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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I get custom APX2s?

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I started off with Bauer Vapor x90s. They were great but I ran into issues with them always coming lose. I hate waxed laces and I found myself re-tying my skates 10 times a game. They broke down and buckled at the eyelet after 2.5 months. I tried CCM RBZs, too much ankle volume, Vapor x100, too much lace bite because the boot isn't deep enough, TotalOne NXGs, too cramped in the toe box and heel...

I'm now wearing CCM U+ Pro Reloaded Pro Stocks in 8.5 d/a with Tuuk Edge 288s. They work pretty well but I'm wondering if I could go custom with a pair of APX2s and if it'd get me the Vapors I want but without the lace bite. I loved those skates but the retail boot was too shallow and I couldn't get rid of the lace bite which was crippling

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last thing i knew they don't change the boot depth when going custom. unless i'm wrong but usually its just length, width and tongue

They can absolutely change boot depth, but not with the new molded eyelets. You'll get a deeper boot with standard eyelets.

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last thing i knew they don't change the boot depth when going custom. unless i'm wrong but usually its just length, width and tongue

They can absolutely change boot depth, but not with the new molded eyelets. You'll get a deeper boot with standard eyelets.

x2 my customs had to have the depth adjusted and they have regular eyelets.

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