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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood Shop Projects

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hockey stick. or baseball bat. i made those when i was in junior high. too bad the stick broke after like 4 shots.

Yea I was thinkin about a stick. I wouldn't use it if I did make it anyways.

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Make a halfpipe. Right in the shop class. Charge students to skate it, ahh brilliant.

We used to make pipes in shop class. :blink:

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For a quick project, maybe a stick rack, or one of those trees to dry out your hockey gear?

Oh damn a stick rack. Prolly the best idea I've heard so far. Prolly gonna do that.

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A hockey locker, like in the dressing rooms - skate holder, couple of shelves, a bench to sit on, clothes hooks...

Make a nice one and you could set up a nice business doing that.

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Go to your local rink and ask them to collect all the broken wood sticks there for u and the make a bench or a chair out of all hockey sticks . They look amazing ang ppl will pay lots of $$$ for them .My friend maid one and he got like 95% on it at school . I will try to find a pic .

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