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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bubble Level Edge Checker

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Thought I would share a low cost way (less than $20) for folks to check for even edges. I'm an engineer and my mind is always trying to find ways to complicate simple tasks (think Rube Goldberg) so go easy on me. The setup can be seen in the images below. The top image was my attempt to verify the accuracy of the bubble levels. You can see I am about the thickness of a line high on the right. The silver bubble level in the same spot verifies that the edge is a tiny bit high (surprised me how precise the setup was).

It does take 5-10 more seconds to use the levels and I don't suspect any high volume sharpener would ever use the bubble levels, but for a home sharpener or non-sharpener, it may be a low price way to check your edges. Also a good sanity check to make sure your primary level is still good.

Components: Klein Accu-Bend Level ($15-18) and a simple pocket or string level ($2-3). Klein level can either be connected to the blade with the built in magnets or clamped with the thumb screw.

To use: Attach Klein level and then balance the string level across the blade. Always keep the Klein bubble in the lines. The bubble in the string level will tell you which edge is high.


Component Pics


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Neat idea, the only issue with a bubble is that it assumes that you are holding the skate level to begin with. It's certainly a more economical way for home sharpeners to find if edges are close to level.

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Neat idea, the only issue with a bubble is that it assumes that you are holding the skate level to begin with. It's certainly a more economical way for home sharpeners to find if edges are close to level.

Very cool....but yah so hard to hold the skate perfect every time. But might have an idea there.!

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I've more than once thought about getting two MPU6050s (gyroscope+accelerometer on a single chip) and integrating them to an Arduino Nano and a cheap numeric display. The 6050s could be initialized to a 90 degree offset by setting them on a flat surface (for example the sharpener's table) and pressing a button. Each 6050 would have a magnet mechanism on it that would connect one to the side of the blade and the other to the edges of the blade. That way, holding the skate perfectly upright wouldn't be required (because the delta between the two - 90 would be measured). Goal would be to make the readout read 0 by making adjustments with the sharpening holder. You could even calibrate it to tell you the number of clicks required instead of the angle. I've never used the 6050s though. There would be a learning curve there for me.

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