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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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this guy

What do you use?

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Ok- so I'm looking for some good soap to wash with after hockey so i don't smell or anything so what do you guys use? ( By the way, those of you who don't shower after you play hockey are sickies) I am currently use Old Spice Body Wash.

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I never bring soap. I just use someone elses. At home I use Loreal Kids Watermelon shampoo. It smells like a dream. I use Adidas Active body wash Dynamic Pulse smell.

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Dr. Bronners. Its this hippy ass soap that works really well. I use peppermint. You might only be able to find it in like health food/earthy stores.


i use the same soap. it is def the best. i use lavender though, it is supposedly the best for the skin

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Dr. Bronners.  Its this hippy ass soap that works really well.  I use peppermint.  You might only be able to find it in like health food/earthy stores.


i use the same soap. it is def the best. i use lavender though, it is supposedly the best for the skin

WHere can I get this stuff? Whats an earthy store (example)?

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i use whatever the is beside me, usually it's adidas active body wash or l'oreal kids shampoo or something like that. (yes, i have to use shampoo for everything)

one time, i was really in a pinch, i had to use some of the hand soap they have beside sinks, it was not a good experience <_<

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