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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Putting old steel on new skates

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I took the steel from my original mako and put them on my mako 2's. The holes of the holders and blades didn't quite line up perfectly. One hole was spot on then the other was a little off. U could see a little steel in the hole. I had to push the bolt in pretty hard that holds the screw. I eventually got it on. Hope I didn't do any damage. Weird thing is that the new steel in the mako 2 lined up perfectly in my mako 1.

Is this normal?

So I skated on my mako 2 for the first time today. With my old steel. Something felt off, trying to nail it down. They have an aggressive pitch but I felt like I was more neutral almost on my heals compared to my mako 1. So 2 things. My mako 1 are a year old so maybe I just need to break in the 2. I also put in my old yellow super feet in the mako 1 the past month, today I just used the mako 2 footbed. So maybe I felt off cause of that.

Just looking for thoughts. Gonna try the super feet Friday.

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Mako and mako 2 use the exact same holder. If you got the hardware in, then it's all OK. The trick is to put the front hardware in first. The skates, steel and holders are identical so there should be no difference in your pitch. The only explanation could be a sharpener altered your runners, but even then, that would require a lot of grinding to make makos feel on your heels.

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I got the hardware in, it was just a little of the steel showing through the holder hole which was preventing the hardware from just slipping in.

On day two with the skates I used my super feet and that fixed the feeling like I'm on my heels issue. But something still felt off and when walking in the skates I was clicking and clacking. loosened up hardware, pushed down on steel, tightened up screws and still clicking around.

On day three I decided to put the old steel back in old skates, new steel in new skates. Skated on new skates and things felt ok. Only weird thing was that while turning at times, tight turns, holder/steel was making a high pitched noise. like a squeaky wheel. weird. I don't know.

Skates feel real good though. I feel more locked in than mako 1. tongue is nice and cushy. may have started to get a little lace bite in my left skate which I never got in mako 1. Will keep an eye on it.

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I got the hardware in, it was just a little of the steel showing through the holder hole which was preventing the hardware from just slipping in.

On day two with the skates I used my super feet and that fixed the feeling like I'm on my heels issue. But something still felt off and when walking in the skates I was clicking and clacking. loosened up hardware, pushed down on steel, tightened up screws and still clicking around.

On day three I decided to put the old steel back in old skates, new steel in new skates. Skated on new skates and things felt ok. Only weird thing was that while turning at times, tight turns, holder/steel was making a high pitched noise. like a squeaky wheel. weird. I don't know.

Skates feel real good though. I feel more locked in than mako 1. tongue is nice and cushy. may have started to get a little lace bite in my left skate which I never got in mako 1. Will keep an eye on it.

I used to have that squealing sound when stopping with Pitch3's.

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