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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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From The Makers of the Miraclestone

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IMHO it has the same problem as the Sweetstick: it will "fold" your edges inwards instead of restoring straight edges...

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I use the Sweetstick between sharpening and I like it. If you press too hard, the edges roll too much but once I mastered it's great. I use it on my regular skates and my goalie skates. Sometimes pressing the stick too hard or making more then one pass of the Sweetstick makes the skates so sharp you can't glide. I feel I can keep my edges longer that normal sharpings and keep them sharp all the time. I also use the Miraclestone to take care of any burrs. I think the Crosscut would work just as well.

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Sometimes pressing the stick too hard or making more then one pass of the Sweetstick makes the skates so sharp you can't glide.

So sharp you can't glide? That's possible? I think the term you are looking for is "it removes the edge so you can't glide"

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It's like a Sweet stick. Bull s**t.

Does anybody have an opinion about the "pro-filer"? It looks like a cylinder that is run lengthwise along the blade. The sharpening cylinder is inside a holder that is supposed to centre the cylinder w.r.t. the blade.

I heard that speed skaters hand-sharpen their blades; what do they use?

- Kevin

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