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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shooting board or Dryland tiles?

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Which do you prefer to practice stick handling and shooting? Does a regular puck slide over the Dryland Tiles as well as it does a shooting board?

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Dry-land tiles are good for shooting with a puck or stick handling with a ball. Maybe a green biscuit would slide adequately enough on the tiles. I think a shooting board is substantially better for stick handling with a regular puck.

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I have a shooting pad and about 10-12 old roller hockey tiles I got for free. I don't really notice a difference when I use them. I also spray them down with pledge/furniture polish then rub it off with a rag. It makes them super slick and easy to use.

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If you go to a hardware store you can buy a huge piece of siding for only like $30. Surface area is like 5x bigger than "hockey shooting boards" you buy for like $100. It's also just as good if not better.

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I use a piece of plexiglass and Pledge wood spray. Let that sit on there for a few minutes, then wipe off. Works pretty well and only cost me around $30.

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Find a business that is getting rid of dry erase boards. My work was throwing away some 4 x 8 " boards when we went from the stone age and actually got a computerized bin locator system. Spray with pledge and fire away!

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Find a business that is getting rid of dry erase boards. My work was throwing away some 4 x 8 " boards when we went from the stone age and actually got a computerized bin locator system. Spray with pledge and fire away!

Home depot sells pieces of whiteboard cheap

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