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RBZ or Tacks stick?

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Hi all, first post here! For the past year and a bit I've been playing with an RBZ 60 and an RBZ - both 70 flex. I picked up the RBZ 60 first and immediately loved it, and obviously the RBZ was a cut above that - so much pop. Now I've broken the RBZ 60 and need a new second stick pretty quickly. The options are:

1) RBZ 80 on closeout - 75E

2) RBZ 60 on closeout - 45E

3) RBZ 130 - 110E

4) Tacks 3052 - 110E

(All from Hockey Monkey Europe)

My budget doesn't really stretch any further than that. I'm rubbish for wanting to change things up even when I'm perfectly happy, so I don't want to get the Tacks and find out I hate it in comparison to the RBZ. How do they compare? There's also a cost vs effectiveness thing - if I can get the 80 or 60 so cheap, is the 130 or the Tacks worth paying so much more for? I'm really on the fence, can't decide at all.

For a bit of playing background, I play rec hockey in the UK, either wing or center. Been playing for about 4 years so not the best player ever by far in terms of skill, and my shot isn't anything to write home about. I prefer making plays happen, and making good things happen on the forecheck or in the corners.

What does everyone think?

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I would stick with what you are already comfortable using, the RBZ80 seems like the winner here to me.

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I was really impressed with the top of the line tacks stick as well as the weight and feel of the next model down, that said, I feel like if your already happy with the RBZ line maybe getting one on closeout is your best bet for sure. You might get the tacks stick and not like the mid kick point, over your RBZs "exclusive" variable kick :wink:. Generally I wait until I can score a deal, or get one in my hands as a demo to test a stick, especially if its way different from what I am used to. With your budgetary restraints, you might want to also wait on feedback on durability and performance starts really rolling in a few months down the line as well.

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All very good points; I guess I just have a soft spot for shiny new things. I think the RBZ 80 is answer, unless anyone has some very good arguments to sway me to try the Tacks?

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RBZ80 is what got me to stray away from Bauer sticks. Went through about 6 Bauer twigs and the RBZ80 and Stage2 have lasted longer than them all combined

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I love the RBZ 80 plenty power to the release and still pretty good puck feel. Tried the Tacks 3052 equivalent in the store close to the RBZ 80 but not the same, and it felt fairly blade heavy. RBZ 80 seemed to be better balanced. I'd recommend sticking with the RBZ line if you already enjoy using it.

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RBZ 80 it is then. One final (possibly dumb) question - Hockey Monkey have it in P19 (which I'm using at the minute) and P29. Thing is, I can't find any info anywhere about the P29 - not via Google, not via the CCM site, not via the pattern charts on any store website, not via the pattern DB on here. Does anyone know any more about it - what it's like, etc?


I figured it might be a typo, but I've found it listed elsewhere too.

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Just found the pattern chart - funnily enough on the Hockey Monkey EU site. The US site didn't have it listed (nor anywhere else I looked). Doesn't list the lie though - are the 19 and 29 the same lie?

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