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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Step vs. Mission Pitch steel

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Can anyone compare the quality of the steel in Mission Pitch holder to Step Steel? I'm considering mounting Pitch holders on some new skates. Thanks in advance for any input!

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Pitch steel is some of the best ever made. Your problem will be finding replacements should they break or wear down. If I were you I'd just go with STEPS which are a good quality steel which will be around for a long time.

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Thanks for the feedback. Do you consider the Pitch steel to be superior to Step Steel? I was actually considering getting a few sets of the Pitch holders/steel so that I would be all set for a while.

Pitch steel is some of the best ever made. Your problem will be finding replacements should they break or wear down. If I were you I'd just go with STEPS which are a good quality steel which will be around for a long time.

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So if you have a Mission Pitch holder, you can just buy the corresponding size Step Steel & it will fit on the Pitch holder?

The reason I ask is I mounted the Mission Rush holder off of my NME on to a pair of APX after the holders cracked.

Would I be able to replace the Mission Rush Steel with the corresponding size Step Steel?

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Thanks for the feedback. Do you consider the Pitch steel to be superior to Step Steel? I was actually considering getting a few sets of the Pitch holders/steel so that I would be all set for a while.

Yes Mission Pitch3 steel is better. I don't believe STEP makes runners for old Missions. If you can find a few sets, good luck.

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What's the cost difference between pitch steel and step steel?

Set of Pitch3 holders/steel on eBay = $25-$30 (less if you ask for a deal on multiple sets, which the guys who are selling them off are always happy to do)

So, less than half the cost of one set of Step, steel only.

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