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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sharpen settings-roh

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Hi, Sorry for my english, i'm french.

So here's my topic:

I m interested in changing my ROH settings, i m' 85 kg which is near 190 lbs.

I began hockey 4 years ago.

I ask at my local rink to give me edges "softer". That"s what they do, it seems better to hockey stops, and transition.

I read that the roh could go from nearly 3/8 to 1 1/4 ( harder to softer).

When i give that numbers to my local rink, they don't know at all what it means.

They told me they have settings on their tool, settings which are 1-2-3-4-5-6.... Harder to softer.

As i'm "5" in their scale, what does it means? What is my official ROH?

Thanks a lot

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If you don't get a technical answer, just try a few different hollows (settings) to see which one works best for you. It really is a trial and error type of thing for everyone. Many factors include, ice conditions (softer or harder), and your skating style.

Good luck.

Here are a few good articles to help explain the nuances of hollow.



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If they have no idea what hollows they're sharpening to and are using "1-5", then it is pretty clear they don't know what they're doing. I wouldn't trust someone to do that..

Goto somewhere else, it may cost a little more but your sharpening will probably be more consistent and your skating will get better.. On the other hand, if you have uneven edges, hollows changing (because they're probably not dressing the wheel and just sharpening 50 odd skates), or waves on the blade it's going to make your skating suffer, and you're not going to improve.

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@SirJw: thanx, so i live in a skiing resort, so the ice is considered as hard. And i m' 190lbs.

So i notice that with softer edges, i was thinking first my right skate was dull ( is it right? We say dull in english?), but after a full session of skating, it was ok. Hockey stops are much more safer, which will help my game. And i ve the feeling that with "softer" edges i have to be more focused on my edges, balance, knee bend, perhaps will it help me to improve compare to hard edges which have an easy grip even if i m out balanced?

@RickDC: thanx, i m under the impression that they dont really know the theory of what they do,, For them it's our ice which decide of the edges. And i read that the weight, the level etc could be important in the choice of Roh.

And i understood that for a girl, at my ice rink, they will do 20 passages and for a good leveled hockey boy, they will do 30 passages. But with the same Roh.

I will be happy to go somewhere else, but it's not easy. My ince rink had seen many french professional hockey players, but i 'm not sure that players know roh and all that things.

The words they had is " the skate does'nt make the player".

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If they have no idea what hollows they're sharpening to and are using "1-5", then it is pretty clear they don't know what they're doing. I wouldn't trust someone to do that..

Goto somewhere else, it may cost a little more but your sharpening will probably be more consistent and your skating will get better.. On the other hand, if you have uneven edges, hollows changing (because they're probably not dressing the wheel and just sharpening 50 odd skates), or waves on the blade it's going to make your skating suffer, and you're not going to improve.

The #1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (or a whole numbering system) is the Flemming Grey cam system that was used a while ago. I haven't sharpened on a FG in a while, so I'm not sure if they're still using it, or if they've updated it for a larger range.

They also used a lettered A,B,C,D,E system on some cams. To complicate things further some shops up here in the Great White North also use millimeter (mm) scales.

The lower numbers/letters represent deeper ROH with more bite. The higher numbers/letters represent shallower ROH with less bite. If I recall correctly the "5" is somewhere near a 7/8-1" ROH.

They may still "know what they're doing" with respect to sharpening on their machine, but they should also know a rough traditional ROH equivalent for customers who don't use the old numbering system.

In the past 5 years I've maybe encountered 2 customers who still order their skate sharpening by FG numbers or letters. At that point I engage in a conversation to find out exactly what they're looking for, and usually convert them to the Blademaster/Blackstone ROH numbering for future use.

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@SirJw: thanx, so i live in a skiing resort, so the ice is considered as hard. And i m' 190lbs.

So i notice that with softer edges, i was thinking first my right skate was dull ( is it right? We say dull in english?), but after a full session of skating, it was ok. Hockey stops are much more safer, which will help my game. And i ve the feeling that with "softer" edges i have to be more focused on my edges, balance, knee bend, perhaps will it help me to improve compare to hard edges which have an easy grip even if i m out balanced?

@RickDC: thanx, i m under the impression that they dont really know the theory of what they do,, For them it's our ice which decide of the edges. And i read that the weight, the level etc could be important in the choice of Roh.

And i understood that for a girl, at my ice rink, they will do 20 passages and for a good leveled hockey boy, they will do 30 passages. But with the same Roh.

I will be happy to go somewhere else, but it's not easy. My ince rink had seen many french professional hockey players, but i 'm not sure that players know roh and all that things.

The words they had is " the skate does'nt make the player".

Which one is your ice rink?

The contraption that holds the diamond quill that dresses (puts the radius on) the wheel may have scribes on it. Maybe the sharpener will let you go to the machine and measure the radius for each mark (1-2-3-4-5-6) for yourself.

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Hi, Sorry for my english, i'm french.

So here's my topic:

I m interested in changing my ROH settings, i m' 85 kg which is near 190 lbs.

I began hockey 4 years ago.

I ask at my local rink to give me edges "softer". That"s what they do, it seems better to hockey stops, and transition.

I read that the roh could go from nearly 3/8 to 1 1/4 ( harder to softer).

When i give that numbers to my local rink, they don't know at all what it means.

They told me they have settings on their tool, settings which are 1-2-3-4-5-6.... Harder to softer.

As i'm "5" in their scale, what does it means? What is my official ROH?

Thanks a lot

I don't know if this applies to the machine they're using, but here's something.

Here's a manual for a Fleming Gray B-2: http://www.mdfindustries.com/Forms/Manual%20For%20Fleming%20Gray%20Model%20B2.pdf

Page 9 (on my computer pdf reader, at least) shows a table; "5" is listed as 1.125".

The skate doesn't make the player, eh? Hard to play if you can't skate, though. Poor skates or sharpening can really hold you back.

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