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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help purchasing equipment

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I am joining a rec league with a friend this march and I am going to be new to ice hockey, I am 15 and would need all senior gear. I am going to need to purchase all the equipment(except gloves) but have a hard time choosing what I should get and how much to spend on what. I have played roller and dek hockey for a long time but want to get into ice hockey.

My grandmother gave me a surprisingly larger amount of money than usual this past Christmas and I was looking to spend around some of it on ice hockey gear. Between my parents and I we set a budget of about 600 dollars to spend on equipment. I could probably spend a little more if necessary. With the money I need to purchase all the accessories too like a bag, neck guard, etc.

If someone could just break down how much to spend on each piece of equipment or recommend products that would be really helpful. If need to know anything else just reply and thanks in advance.

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Go to a local hockey shop and try on some stuff, don't guess. If you buy used, wash it thoroughly. You don't want a staph infection.

A lot of this is personal preference, which is why I highly recommend going to a local hockey shop, first, before buying anything new or used.

In terms of fitment, you'll find these 3 basic fits : traditional (wide/lots of volume), anatomical (standard) and tapered (narrow/very little volume)

1. Helmet with cage plus a mouth piece -- protect your brain and face as you only have one (go high-end and new)

2. Skates -- stick to mid-range since you're a beginner ($150-$250)

3. Pants -- go with max padding over minimalist padding (doesn't mean max price, it just means make sure there aren't in holes, so it protects: hips, quads, butt and spine) since you'll most likely fall often

4. Shins -- nothing fancy here, just make sure they fit and feel comfortable

5. Elbow pads -- nothing fancy here, just make sure they fit and feel comfortable

6. Shoulder pad-- since some are made longer/shorter than others, just make sure you don't have any gaps or tons of overlapping in the spine area; also, you won't need super bulky shoulder caps unless you're playing in a checking league

7. Garter belt -- will protect the jewels with a cup and will hold up the socks that go over shins...nothing fancy here, just make sure it fits and feels comfortable (a lot of people seem to like the shorts style garter belts, but myself, I prefer the compression pants)

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AntiCut skatesocks!

I got cut yesterday. Even with anticut socks on. Thank god they were on still.

Im never going on ice without them.

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I agree with the sentiment, protect your head and face, but you don't necessarily need to blow 300+ dollars in the process. Since you're not playing full contact, you need just enough protection for falls and such. You should be able to find something in the $120-160 range that will be more than adequate.

Being new, I would spend a little extra and shins and elbows. These will get banged up falling, same goes for pants. Be careful here, you don't want to sacrifice mobility for protection. You need to find a decent balance between the two. You may regret cutting corners here. Just something to think about.

It's all about fit and this is why it's so important to have someone help fir you properly.

Good luck, and have fun.

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And the age that I am playing is full contact

New to ice hockey, rec. league and you will be playing full contact? Where are you playing?

Get a good helmet.

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New to ice hockey, rec. league and you will be playing full contact? Where are you playing?

Get a good helmet.

Yea its going to suck lol and yea I'm going to thanks.

king of nooyork, thank you again.

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