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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 28K skate issue

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I have a pair of RBK 28k skates that I have worn aprox. 20 times in light duty situations like public skates and stick times, and maybe a few games. Skates are in great condition with the exception of two places - one on each skate at the identical spot - where the inside liner is separating and the shell is visible.

The spot on each skate is right above the top eyelet on the outside of the boot, basically right at the top inside of the skate. The separation is maybe an inch long, right below the seam. I am pretty sure it is from when I use my thumb to pull the top of the boot out to run the lace thru the top outside eyelet.

A couple of points here. I lace these skates the same way I have laced every other skate since I started playing in 1998 - and that includes a number of different skates - and I have never seen this before. The second point is the way I lace my skates. I start with the top 3 eyelets undone, and the rest loose. I put my foot in and tap back once, then lace up completely, but very loose. Then I tap back again and tighten to my choosing. So it's not like the rest of the skate is tight and I am trying to force the top open to get the lace thru the eyelet. I also wear my shin pads on the outside of the skate.

My questions;

The skate is about 6 months old, is there a warranty claim possible?

The next time I laced them I made sure to be very careful where I push and how I get the top lace thru. Do youse guys think the separation will not grow if I am careful? I like the skate otherwise and would like to keep using them.

Could a repair shop stick up the area?

Strangely the inside top eyelets are fine. I will post a pic ASAP, but in the meantime I will stop skating them until I get more info. Thanks for any info !!

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While you are outside the warranty period you have nothing to lose by contacting CCM/Reebok and asking. Pictures will certainly help shop guys here weighing on your options or ability to make a repair.

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That is probably the result of some kind of rubbing. Many of my skates will develop worn areas in the place you describe due to playing tongues out. They never really grow and don't effect performance or comfort for me.

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That is probably the result of some kind of rubbing. Many of my skates will develop worn areas in the place you describe due to playing tongues out. They never really grow and don't effect performance or comfort for me.

Agreed. My vapors have been that way for a couple of years. In my case it is from the shin pads rubbing the area.

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Thanks for the replies. I'll try and get a pic posted but based on what you guys are telling me I shouldn't worry too much about it.

I'll see where my shins hit it. Maybe that is where it is coming from. My shins are getting stinky old so this could be the perfect "excuse" to get some new ones that might not rub me the wrong way!!

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