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Bauer ReAkt Lawsuit

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so.... what retailer takes back helmets after they have been used a few times, because they don't fit well, I want to buy my next helmets there.

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Actually Sport Chek and Canadian Tire both do. And any really good retailer that you have a regular re pour with usually wood depending on condition. If there was no smell and zero marks. When I worked at Just Hockey we did all the time on regular customers that had an issue. As long as there was no smell or marks.

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I don't believe I said games. I said 3 times on the ice. It was maybe a total of 25 min's on max.

To be honest I am not getting into some petty argument about this. If someone walks out of a store and then comes back with all the stickers and there is no damage or any other issues I personally would return it. If there was any hint that it was used and could not be re-sold I would not take it back. Cut and dry. If I took this helmet back and they say they can not re-sell it I would keep it and give it to someone that could use it and call it a day. I am not bitching or complaining I simply made a comment I would like to return it as I have no use for it as I am NOT playing anymore due to the concussions.

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If Bauer had used an independent lab for the research then I would have to agree with all above. But using their own as mentioned above to "Verify" the claims then hey its we say its better so it is. Sorry that doesnt fly. It should have been backed up by others to solidify the claim.

I too bought one for this reason with my large number of concussions only to get another with it on while just losing balance and getting whiplash. I haven't played since and that was 3 years ago now. I didn't really like the fit of the helmet but it was meh and with the "extra Protection" and my discount at the time I felt it was the right helmet.

Knowing this now I would like my money back. It was only worn about 10 times. I dont think that is too much to ask? I do agree suing for large claims when in my boat is a joke. give a refund if they are not happy and feel they were cheated but nothing more. I am not saying I feel cheated per say but I would still like my money back. Anyone want a small black ReAkt? Cheap.....LOL

it seems the story evolves at every turn. any amount of activity beyond just trying it on in store is adding time for things to sweat in. Ive built up quite the sweat in a 25 min period. I don't see how the fit of a helmet changes that much on ice vs in store, they usually just get more comfortable. When I buy a helmet, and get it home, I sit with it on for a few minutes to be sure I like the fit, move head side to side etc. I do this after I take a shower to make sure hair is as clean as possible. Maybe its just me, other people probably don't do that, but ive never had to take one back, I usually get a good feel for what fits in store. I would never expect a company to take a helmet back that ive worn in a game, unless there was a defect in the material or craftsmanship. I guess in Canada it might be a bit different, but here in the states, you wear it on ice, you bought it. I would hate to know what Canadian tires policy on jocks and undergarments is.....

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And in actuality that is incorrect I didn't wear it that much after thinking about it was 3 times on the ice. I did wear it at home a couple times but not in any games. It was 2 practices with the work team when at National sports and after 10 mins went back to the old and the 2nd is when I fell. The other time was with my son at his school skate trip.

I am so very sorry I exaggerated the amount as I should have said "It was only worn a few times" instead of 10 so sorry for the memory lapse.

" I don't see how the fit of a helmet changes that much on ice vs in store, they usually just get more comfortable"

Thats exactly what I was hoping for. It was a little uncomfortable but figured some time on the ice would be fine.

it seems the story evolves at every turn. any amount of activity beyond just trying it on in store is adding time for things to sweat in. Ive built up quite the sweat in a 25 min period. I don't see how the fit of a helmet changes that much on ice vs in store, they usually just get more comfortable. When I buy a helmet, and get it home, I sit with it on for a few minutes to be sure I like the fit, move head side to side etc. I do this after I take a shower to make sure hair is as clean as possible. Maybe its just me, other people probably don't do that, but ive never had to take one back, I usually get a good feel for what fits in store. I would never expect a company to take a helmet back that ive worn in a game, unless there was a defect in the material or craftsmanship. I guess in Canada it might be a bit different, but here in the states, you wear it on ice, you bought it. I would hate to know what Canadian tires policy on jocks and undergarments is.....

The policy in Canada is any undergarment can not be returned for any reason. Helmets are a case by case basis and again if there was no visible signs or smells of game use then it is POSSIBLE to MAYBE exchange it. I do not speak for any of the companies mentioned but have worked for all of them at one point.

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so have you tried exchanging it? that might be an obvious question, but it may be easier than asking Bauer for a refund.

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