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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inline skate reccomendations for bigger guys

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I am 6'4 290. I am getting back into roller hockey after a 22 year layoff. I haven't been able to find much info anywhere about inline skates for guys my size. Any suggestions regarding brands wheels, etc.. would be appreciated. I am hoping to stay on the $150-$200 price range. Thanks in advance.

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Alkali high end (now on clearance a lot of places) or Bauer APXRs should give you the stiffness you need. Alkali is also a bit more moldable than other skates. You're going to want to go with a pretty high hardness on the wheel at 290, regardless of what surface you're playing on. If you're indoors, I'd go with an 80A, outdoors, probably an 84a.

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Thanks for the info. I am waiting for total hockey to get a pair of comp+ and crew+ in the store so I can try them on. I am trying to stay around $200 for the skates since I am going to have to spend another $80 right off the bat to upgrade (tho I guess it's a downgrade to most players) the wheels. Total Hockey does not have any of the clearance models in stock in a size 13. I saw inline warehouse has last years rpd team in a 13 for 149. I would love to try them but I don't want to buy a skate without trying it on first. I am going to replace the wheels immediately. I plan on playing both indoor (sportcourt) and outdoor (concrete/asphalt) so I will get a set of wheels for both conditions.

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The RPD Team for $149 is beyond a great deal. I would recommend picking these up. It will be worth it, even if you have to send them back for a different size.

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Thanks for the advice. The price for last years rpd team is actuay $189 with free shipping and 15% off the total order. The total hockey by my house the team+ in my size (13). If I like the fit and feel of this years skate can I expect the same fit and feel in last years model? I'm all for supporting my LHS but a pair of teams for that price would be hard to pass up if I know they will fit.

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The great thing about the Alkali skates regardless of which line you choose is how mouldable they are.

The advanced materials allowing the boots to be heated for longer & becoming more malleable allows for you to really mould it properly around the shape of your feet as well as eliminating the D, EE question from the equation.

Leaving you with the perfect fit.

Trying them on in store is great but the thing with Alkalis is the bake, the transformation is amazing!

That's why there's so many of us on here who've made the jump and won't go back!

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I agree with justin. The teams are an amazing skate at that price, and IMO you're not missing much of the advanced features in the + line (purlyn quarter and upgraded liner) at the comp or crew level to not go with the teams. I've been skating on the teams for about a month now, the first few times without baking I had a few pressure points just behind my toes, but after baking they fit much better. Ice warehouse has free return shipping on skates if they don't fit correctly. If you are not in a time crunch I would consider this route. I've already recommended the teams to a few guys on my house team that are skating in beat up old skates, and a few of my friends as well. I just purchased the max skate from last year a few months ago and will soon be baking and switching to those. I got them for 240 after discount but I don't know if any of those are available anywhere still, that deal was super sick

If you do the math on those, 8x14 for the wheels alone, couldn't pass that up

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HM currently has the Max for 299 with a 20% discount, so right at that 240 price. You'd have to pay for shipping, but apparently you'll get a free pair of jeans too! Kinda strange but won't complain about it. They do have sizes 12 and 13 in stock.

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First of all thanks for all the info. I was able to try on a pair of the lite+ in a size 13 this afternoon. They fit great front to back and I have no doubt that after baking they will be perfect all the way around. Can anyone confirm that fit in last year's Max will be similar if not the same? I can get them from HM for $250 shipped. I am ready to pull the trigger I am just looking for some confirmation that a 13 in last year's top of the line model will have a similar (hopefully the same) fit as this years lite+. I have no way to try the max on before I purchase.

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Thanks again for the input guys. I can't wait to see how much shit I get from my buddies for rolling up in a top of the line skate for a bronze league game. An added bonus if I'm reading it right is the addiction wheels that come stock might be able to support my weight. If that's the case then I just got a set of max's for what I would have paid for teams when factoring in what it would have cost to upgrade the wheels and bearings. I am going to get a set of the labeda asphalt wheels and another set of bearings for concrete, unless anyone know's of a better option for concrete wheels. Again, thanks for the advice.

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That's what im putting on my Teams soon as I make the switch over to the max, the Labeda asphalts. The big key will be not letting anyone know what you paid for the skates, as they might open up theft investigation :rolleyes:

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My RPD Max were delivered last night and I just got them baked at Total Hockey. They fit great out of the box and the bake helped snug it in around the top of my foot. I'm gonna let them cure for a day and get out on them Sunday night. There is a noticeable difference in the stiffness (hopefully translates to support) of this skate vs the lite+ I tried on in the store. All in all this feels very comfortable and a great fit so far. I will let you know how they feel after I skate Sunday.

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how are the skates holding up? I've been looking at alkali to replace my old missions. Just need to see how people with extra wide feet are feeling with them.

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