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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pants and Shoulders...

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I've been trying on shoulder pads and pants.

I seem to have a one inch gap between the bottom of shoulder pad and top of pants.

If I pull the pants all the up on my waist, the bottom of the pants just hits the top of the hard kneecap on the shin guard. Is that OK? Or too short?

If I drop the pants just a little to make it more comfortable, I get the one inch gap from the bottom of the shoulder pad.

Pants are medium and are already tightened to the max, so I don't want to go to a large to get a longer pant, it would be way too big on the waist.

Advice appreciated...thanks.

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In my opinion, yes, you are fine. If you have to ask, you are likely going for beer league hockey or pickup. Half the guys in my leagues don't even wear shoulders. I do, but have little concern about the gap between my pants and my shoulder pads.


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'"..If you have to ask, you are likely going for beer league hockey or pickup. .."

Yup. Total beginner.

That's why I'm asking a lot of questions.

I need all the advice and opinions you guys can share.

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Things will move when you move, you can't be constantly covered, like Jimmy said if you're just doing beginner stuff you will be fine. What you are probably looking for is protection for when you fall rather than from slashes or pucks flying around at 100mph. So like decent shins, pants with lots and lots of padding and some beefy elbow pads. Wear a cup and a helmet with a cage. I wouldn't worry too much about shoulderpads, you're likely not playing in a contact league so no body checks, and probably not going to be skating so fast that you'll run into the boards with too much force, I still recommend wearing them but don't stress about any gaps in coverage, just make sure they feel comfortable.

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Yep. And sorry, I wasn't taking a jab at your skill level.

Maybe a better point is... At that level, you need basic protection, not a suit of armor. No chance it's full contact, so you are really protecting yourself against... Yourself.

All hockey gear has protection in mind and will suit. Just try on whatever you can, the get what feels most comfortable in your price range.

If I was going to spend a bit extra on anything, it would be skates, then stick, then gloves. The rest can wait.

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Just because people don't check doesn't mean they aren't going to be a total spazz! Not stopping correctly, falling into you, fall and grab onto, etc... and cause you injury. Wear it regardless, especially if you're playing with new players!

I have a gap between my pants and shoulders and have taken decent slap shots to that area, but it feels better having that extra space when moving.

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"...Yep. And sorry, I wasn't taking a jab at your skill level..."

Oh, I know you weren't taking a jab at me.

I was just making sure to point out I'm a beginner :)

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Can you guys tell from this pic if these shoulder pads seem to fit me OK?

It's a medium, and the shoulder caps seem to rest where they should.

Is there any reason I'd have to go to a Large? (which was not in stock)

Are there any glaring problems you see in the pic?

I want to choose a protective shoulder pad because I've had a separated shoulder and broken collar bone.

I have tried on a bunch of pads, both medium and large...I think I'm kind of in between.

I tried a RBZ130 in medium and it was too small for me in the shoulders...but the large was too big in the torso.


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As long as it feels fine across the shoulders, I'd think that one should be good. It certainly doesn't look like it's pushing any of the straps anywhere close to their limits.

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I think it looks a little tight, maybe go up to a large. You should also really try on your elbow pads as well to see if there is enough coverage.

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I think it looks a little tight, maybe go up to a large. You should also really try on your elbow pads as well to see if there is enough coverage.

Given the fact that the straps on the side wrap all the way to the middle, I wouldn't go larger. There is plenty of room to let the straps out a little bit if he feels it is too tight or restrictive.

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