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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate suited for higher arches

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Hey, you guys have any general idea of what skate/manufacturer is good for feet with higher arches, i.e. feet that are NOT flat. I am gonna try on a couple of skates on Sunday or Monday but I would like to see if you guys got any sugestions. Right now I have XXs and they've gone to shit real fast. I know skates are all fit and PP ;)

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Well, I have XX's and have really flat feet, and wouldn't suggest Mission S500's, or Graf 703's for your foot type. Maybe 735's, or G9's, but honestly, don't trust my opinion lol. Get it from someone who sells skates for a living ;)

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Just put Superfeet in them or some type of insole to match your foot.

He is buying new skates because his XX's have broken down, not because they don't fit him properly.

Adding things such as different insoles will help, but certainly won't solve the problem with an ill fitting skate in the least bit. If your skate does not fit your foot properly to begin with, there is very little that you can do about it. I have a very high arches and own a pair of Pro Tacks, the pain that I experience is absolutely brutal because the Pro Tacks are suited for people with flat feet and I have very high arches. I bought every insole on the market, Superfeet, ShockDoctors, Ultra Sole, and all sorts of arch supports and other things and nothing worked, some of it helped but did not solve the problem.

I found a hockey shop I never even knew about before that was 50 minutes away, they had 8090's in stock in my size (7.5) in both regular and wide widths. 8090's are great skates and if you have a very high arch like me, they're definitely the way to go.

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Just put Superfeet in them or some type of insole to match your foot.

doesn't work for people (like me) with really high arches. Using a superfeet bed or another insole that will actually match my arch just ends up pushing the top of my foot into and above the eyelets in a skate. There's only so much room in a skate.

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I found a hockey shop I never even knew about before that was 50 minutes away, they had 8090's in stock in my size (7.5) in both regular and wide widths. 8090's are great skates and if you have a very high arch like me, they're definitely the way to go.

Not my store, but you're welcome.

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