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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adjusting to Combo Radius

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This may be to subjective to answer, but I wanted to know how dramatic is the change going to be going from a single 12' radius to a 8/13' combo radius? I am just trying to determine if I should switch my steel and play in my game tonight with it, or leave it on and go to a drop in session to try it out first.

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You should notice a difference, probably not enough where it will adversely affect your skating. But everyone is different.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to try them out first, just for peace of mind.

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Like Stick9 said, everyone is different, however usually it is never bad, just different. If the radius was done on your old steel, the transition is easier than when done on new steel, especially if the new steel shape/bulk is significant;y different than your old steel. This needs more getting use to time than the radius itself. As with any radius change, single or combo, a player's body mechancics will need some time to fully adjust. However, from my experience, most have no problems and really love the new perfomance instantly, so I wouldn't dwell on it, just go skate.

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This may be to subjective to answer, but I wanted to know how dramatic is the change going to be going from a single 12' radius to a 8/13' combo radius? I am just trying to determine if I should switch my steel and play in my game tonight with it, or leave it on and go to a drop in session to try it out first.

I made the change from 9ft to 8/13ft and did not need any time to adjust. It almost immediately felt more natural, but YMMV. But, if you have the time, I think it's always best to stay on the safe side and try it out first.

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