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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Removing Stick Grip

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Hey fellas,

I have read around old threads a bit and have trouble telling if people are serious or not. When removing grip from a stick, do folks really just use sandpaper? Any other methods that work well? I tried baby powder but that lasted all of 20 seconds. The stick is brand new, and top dollar, so I don't really want to just use it as an experiment.

I have a random orbital sander that could strip in seconds... just not sure how aggressive I need to be.


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I usually use grip but picked up a Mako II and the grip was just too much. I just used a foam sanding block and lightly sanded the areas I wanted to grip removed. Did the trick for that stick

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Any fine grit sandpaper will be fine and will not harm the stick if you just do it by hand.

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Appreciate the feedback.

So - acetone didn't work. I then sanded, but wasn't overly happy with the results, so I sprayed over it with some clear matte paint. Feels perfect right now. If this holds up, I'll be pumped.


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