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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tuuk holders

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I have a teammate that due to problems with his heel, prefers his older Bauer 3000 skates. The steel is almost worm out and he is also afraid that the holders are brittle from age. Would it be possible to slap a pair of LS2 holders or Edges on the skates without having to drill new holes? The boots on his Supreme 3000's just fit him too well with the heel issues that he has. He has tried Nexus 4000's but the boot bothers him too much. If he could just mount a pair of LS2 or Edges and have it all match up, he would be in heaven. Any advice or suggestions?


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I think the holes should match up, but even if they don't, on 3000s he could easily fill the holes with epoxy and get them redrilled and mounted at an LHS.

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I have been looking on Ebay for him. I have not found the holders and steel in his size. I did find a pair of 1000's in the same size but the steel doesnt have much left. I think I am going to try and talk him into LS2 or Edge's and have them mounted. He isnt very internet savy or good at looking for stuff so I am helping him. Thanks for the help.

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You may be able to find the right size Pitch3 holder and steel set on eBay, and for very cheap. I read on here that those line up with old Tuuk Custom and Custom+ holders: http://modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/64882-definitive-tuuk-holder-information/?p=984978 while LS2 doesn't line up: http://modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/47795-tuuk-custom-plus-tuuk-ls-2-holders/?p=709255 and your friend would perhaps have to fill and drill new holes if switching to one of the newer Tuuk holders.

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You could take a chance on the 1000s and get the steel separately (Step Steel?).

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Be very careful on the year of the Supreme 1000s. Later versions of that skate used the Tuuk Custom holder that did not have the replaceable steel and were sized differently.

I second the recommendation for the pitch holder!

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Pitch holders are excellent, come with great steel, and currently are available on ebay and a few other auction sites for very cheap. They have been discontinued though, so should you decide to go that route, it'd be worth stocking up on a few pairs.

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