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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Question

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I am looking for a new pair of ice skates. Not sure what to get, I want the best bang for my buck, I like to spend around 400. I like the form fitting fit. Just wondering what you guys have to say.

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Go to a store and try some on to see what works for your foot shape.

If you can be comfy in a graf skate, take a look at Hockey Monkey. They're getting rid of a lot of high quality skates at clearance price.

a $400 budget is easy to work with. You can get a pro level skate that's a few years old with that budget.

But seriously: go to a shop and try them on before committing that budget.

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Agreed on trying them on. Impossible to make recommendations without knowing they fit well. As for best bang for your buck, look for closeouts on outgoing models.

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Guys, I've got $6 to spend on dinner. What do you thing will give me the most bang for my buck?

Either a 5 dollar hot-n-ready, or a chicken schwarma would be my go-to's.

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Either a 5 dollar hot-n-ready, or a chicken schwarma would be my go-to's.

He's a hockey player, so clearly the correct answer is a bottle of beer! ;)

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$6 will get you two grain belt bottles or pick up hockey with a buck to spare in MN.

Go mit da Grain Belt Nordeast goes down real smooth.

As far as da skates go drop down to General Sports or Total hockey and try on all da brands.

Now is the time of year to look at new ball gloves and fishing gear.

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Guys, I've got $6 to spend on dinner. What do you thing will give me the most bang for my buck?

6 pack & a dollar burger, it's Saturday!

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