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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weird things

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A lot of the players out here chew, even a bantam or two has tried it.

LOL, here you're not a bantam if you haven't tried it :rolleyes:

haha very true!

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i stretch for 30mins before bed and get 9 hours of sleep the night before. i wake up and eat three advils, one big piece of lasgana (home-made), rye toast, oj, red bull, and a bottle of water. i take a cold ass shower washing myself really well and brushing my teeth. no hair gel or cologne, only deodorant afterwards. i put on a wind suit and iron my dress clothes and suit. i like to watch black hawk down and have a grape fruit and some more toast.then ill take a dump before i get dressed into my suit and drive to the rink with my mp3 player. i like to get to the rink 2.5 hours before game time or like 1 hour before the charter leaves. ill order a small black coffee and go to the room and change into my underwear and roam the rink. ill go on the ice, on the benches, in the stands, in the back room, where ever. its just something about studying the battle field i guess. ill tape my sticks perfecto and jam to some tunes while doing this, no maddonna ever on game days, never ever ever. i like to read the program and look for heavies on the other team. before i get dressed i take a leak, rub icy-hot on my thighs to get them extra warm and skip some rope. get dressed left to right, bottom to top. my skates have to be tied perfect. i say a little prayer, look at my pic of dan synder #37 and go out there and take care of business, sometimes i like to roam near center ice in warmies and see if i can chirp someone into going at it right off the face off. road trips or short road games i try to do the same but its tough. im pretty religious with this routine though

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Once they finish the ice, as I step onto the surface and head to the bench to put my stuff down, I always look down at my skates, look to see that my skate guards are off, and just to make sure, I say very loudly to myself, "Skate guards are off". I'm worried that I'll leave them on one day a bite it hard. So to make sure I say it out loud...very loud.

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I must slam a fifth of Jack before each game and make sure to tape down the brass knuckles under my gloves...other wise I'm less likely to jack that fool up who thinks its alright to punk shot me just 'cause I got my head down.

(relax...of course I'm kidding. :P )

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always put stuff on left to right, tuck tongue under shinpad before tying skates up. before i step on the ice, i look down at each blade, to make sure my skate guards are off ;)

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Shouldn't everyone? I've heard some stories on the otehr board of people on their team's crapping themselves during games.

Wayne Gretzky pissed on himself during a game so he wouldn't have to leave.

I put everything on the right first also.

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My goalie actually had to leave during a game to take a dump. during that time they gave me his blocker and trapper and helmet and stick and I had to play net for 10 mins. They only scored twice too............every five minutes :ph34r: .

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My goalie actually had to leave during a game to take a dump. during that time they gave me his blocker and trapper and helmet and stick and I had to play net for 10 mins. They only scored twice too............every five minutes :ph34r: .

HEY! I did that before (I was younger) and we used to rotate goalies everygame anyways. This was when I was tyke or so. I had to go in with no pads or anything while the goalie went to the washroom. 0 goals, stopped a break-away, no idea how many minutes I was in there for.

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Always put my stuff on right to left. Once I get my bottoms on I go stretch. Then on the ice, I take one lap, straddle the blue line, and stretch with my back facing the crowd. Then during warm-ups we do 3 line shooting, and I always go from left to right.

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