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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MX3 supreme skate insoles issue?

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OK, my insoles are MOVING! After a game, or even hours after drying I can MOVE the insole to and fro IN the skate with my hand. I DID cut the WINGS off of the insoles, but left the very tip in tact.

This bothers me, as already my new skates feel a bit sloppy. Should I GLUE them down, or try a different insert? Reorder stock from Bauer??

2 years later, and my APX insoles don't budge...


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Don't glue them, just get better insoles. Those stock insole are flimsy junk anyway

Pretty much this. Stock insoles are cheap, and I think made with the assumption they will be pulled out and replaced with something more substantial.

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Very well then.. I'd like something NOT volume consuming. I loved my yellow superfeet, but the robbing of volume I could do without. Any recomnmendations?

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Just looked at them... I have some old yellow SF cut too small, but are the carbon THINNER and less volume robbing than the yellow?

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Should I GLUE them down, or try a different insert?

You should never glue down your insoles. This will cause the rivets to rust, will not dry the inside of the boot and will cause skate break down quickly.

Always take your insoles out to dry!

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