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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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So I'm obsessed with this Bauer Toews curve (p14) I've been using for about 6 months now. I usually don't use Bauer but I had this 1x given to me for trial. Now I'm hooked.. I'm wondering what companies (Warrior, Easton, CCM) have an equivalent to the p14.. from the looks of it a Warrior Chara curve isn't far off.. any help would be great as I'm about to start shopping for a new stick! *cheers*

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Thanks fellas.. I appreciate the help.. I'm usually a Warrior guy but man do I love this curve.. will be nice to try this curve in a QR1 or AX1!

Decoy.. I can't find the CCM or Easton curves you mentioned.. I'm guessing those are only pro stock curves???

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Thanks fellas.. I appreciate the help.. I'm usually a Warrior guy but man do I love this curve.. will be nice to try this curve in a QR1 or AX1!

Decoy.. I can't find the CCM or Easton curves you mentioned.. I'm guessing those are only pro stock curves???

Yes, Easton and CCM are "pro bank" curves.

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