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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Extensions on Low Kick vs Mid kick sticks.

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So after using my Nexus 1000 102 flex with an added 1 inch wood extension I got my two 1X 102 flex sticks and right away I added them. I noticed I didn't have the same power on my shots or even consistency with the 1X and then a friend mentioned that it might be the kick point. He said Mid kick sticks being extended is no big deal because the stiffness is still in the center while a super low kick stick like a 1X you're only moving farther away from it. I noticed snap shots were decent but if I really choked up on the stick and leaned into it I got a heck of a shot. This makes sense in theory but what do you guys think?

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Granted I've used the Nexus quite a bit so maybe I'm more used to it but it does seem to make sense in regard to stick loading. Moving yourself farther away from the kick point.

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I'd say it's less the extension and more the performance difference between the two models.

I agree completely. I'm fine shooting with a Supreme or Nexus, not so much with a Vapor.

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I have always dropped flex in vapor line vs almost every other line of sticks. I always feel that line plays much stiffer to me. not a bad thing, but a very expensive lesson on my end. ( I have heard the same about the warrior QRT as well ) but have never tried one.

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I went up in flex from the APX2 that I had because at retail length it felt like I was melting through the shots. Im hoping that at retail length the poppyness of the 1X blade, low kick will all work together even though I might not be bowing the stick like a whippy mid kick

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