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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Team Jerserys

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Don't know if this is the correct section for this or not if it is not I apologize ahead of time.

I am looking for team jerseys for my adult team. Looking for a place that can use a logo I already created put on a Calgary flames red home jersey. I have already tried hockeymonkey and icewarehouse and they have been dragging there feet to say the least. Anyone who could help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the input everyone ahead of time.

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We actually went through Hockey Giant for ours a couple seasons ago. I'm not a huge fan of HG in general, but the jerseys came out fantastic. Sewn logo and twill numbers/nameplate/name for like $75-80 each, including jersey.


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We just ordered a set last season from highstick.com and they came out awesome. We had a custom logo and they just tweaked it a little and we went with sewn on names, numbers and logo. They were $75.

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