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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacement for Tacks stick

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Been using one of these (pro stock true Tacks) in H28 pattern/75 flex and really like it. As ccm doesn't offer that curve at retail yet, looking for recommendations on similar playing sticks. Unfortunately don't have the ability to demo any beforehand. Ones was thinking of are the HD1, Nexus N1, True x9 and A6.0, HTX, and new STX Stallion.

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Used the HTX quite a bit last year, fantastic performance, plays a bit stiffer than advertised. Can be a bit brittle if you get slashed a bunch.

Same goes for 6.0, I'd try 5.2 as an experiment.

For the best dollar/prefoance/durability value I'd opt for True 5.2 or HD Pro Warrior

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Thanks for some suggestions. Though it's not available in my preferred curve (e28 or clone) I found a good deal on the original Stallion that might try and save 100-200 bucks. I don't think switching to a x92 curve will be that bad. Might take little adjustment with higher lie.

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