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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Least favorite sport

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Sorry guys, but I love damn near every sport. I could go on PTI or Off the Record any time and be fine. Most of my boys are the same way. I could argue on behalf of any sport for its value and entertainment. You gotta know what to watch. As far as soccer, the skill it takes to clear a ball 40 yds right onto a guy running full steams' front foot is just incredible. But only the world cup is truly entertaning. I guess that I don't like curling, I wouldn't watch it, but I understand how sickly hard it is to get the rock to go where the guys put it. And womens hockey. I love women, I love hockey, buuuuut even the Olympics is like watching AA 15 yr olds. So anything other than the gold medal game is just not doing it for me.

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Hey, I've watched sailing. I'm not about to make fun of what people watch but at least hockey doesn't use a running clock.

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is nascar a sport? if it is thats my least favorite. no talent ass clowns make millions of dollars by making left turns. i hate baseball on tv, i always turn the pirates on when its the 7th inning, i can only watch about 3 innings.

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I hate football, basketball, and baseball. I grew up playing baseball through HS but I haven't watched a game since '96. A bunch of steroided up overpaid imbiciles. The game is ruined IMO. As for other sports I acutally enjoy wathcing... golf, tennis, and F-1 racing are a few.

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About womens hockey, for the most part is boring but last years college finals was an awsome game. It was Harvard against BC I think could be wrong on BC but it was an amazing game to watch. Me and a buddy were flipping through channels and found it and said what the hell, but these chicks played hard, they were hitting, mucking it up in the corners and going end to end. It went into double or triple OT. Any other womens hockey ive watched was boring but this game was intence. Any1 else see it?

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is nascar a sport? if it is thats my least favorite. no talent ass clowns make millions of dollars by making left turns. i hate baseball on tv, i always turn the pirates on when its the 7th inning, i can only watch about 3 innings.

I hope you're kidding dude. These guys have to endure a couple hundred pounds of force pushed against their bodies (especially their necks) for like an hour and all the while concentrating on passing guys 2 inches away from them without killing themselves going 200 mph. You've also got to consider the fact that a nascar weighs less than a thousand pounds but pumps out 700+ horsepower. If you pull the wheel slightly too much to either side you'll be in the wall.

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I may actually be one of the few people that admits to watching PBA bowling on TV! I guess it's because I started bowling in the 4th grade and bowled on my college team for 3 years. You'd be surprised at the ball physics and difference oil patterns make in scores. I never saw it until I bowled in college competitions. After that I have a lot more respect for professional bowlers. Needless to say, I quit bowling after college (mainly due to not enough team opportunites and easy lane conditions) and took up hockey!

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I would say that NASCAR and just about any type of auto racing is a sport. Maybe not like the street racing with riced out cars, but NASCAR, drag racing, motocross, dirt track racing I would all say are sports. Like was mentioned, these guys endure so much force on there bodies for several hours in NASCARS case. Motocross riders have to have throttle control, timing, and be conditioned to not get worn out halfway through a race. Any circle track racers have to make sure they dont hit the walls, or another car, all the while going in excessive speeds.

Its hard to say what is and what isn't a sport. I'd definetly rule out board games as a sport though, and fishing and hunting. Paintball is iffy..

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Guest phillyfan
Paintball is iffy..

Aw, come one! Where's the live for paintball? I wouldn't classify it as a major sport of any sort, but it's definitley fun and adrenaline packed, unlike some of the major sports...

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I'm not knocking anyone, but I cannot watch nascar, I can watch sports I hate playing (curling, baseball etc.)but not nascar, just watch the last lap and you'll find out how the race went.

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NASCAR is a total waste of time IMO. Racing is about which team can field the best car/driver combination and get it around the track the fastest. NASCAR makes rules so one team can't have a better car then another. Not to mention all they're doing is playing follow the leader for 2 1/2 hours. F-1 is where it's at (although Schuey is already running away with it this year... damn Ferrari).

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I think Schuey is a smug little prick. I bet if you put any one of a dozen other drivers over the last few seasons in that car, we would see a similiar result. I wonder where Shark's at? I'm sure he has an opinion on this... :lol:

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Hey, his car passes tests you know, its regulation.

My point was that his car is better not his driving. Tests have nothing to do with it.

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I still don't see where your coming from, all the cars are basically going to be the same, unless you are driving BAR Honda, lol. Poor Jacques. But, if you out Michael Schuemacher into a Mclearen or somthing, he would still win.

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is nascar a sport? if it is thats my least favorite. no talent ass clowns make millions of dollars by making left turns. i hate baseball on tv, i always turn the pirates on when its the 7th inning, i can only watch about 3 innings.

I hope you're kidding dude. These guys have to endure a couple hundred pounds of force pushed against their bodies (especially their necks) for like an hour and all the while concentrating on passing guys 2 inches away from them without killing themselves going 200 mph. You've also got to consider the fact that a nascar weighs less than a thousand pounds but pumps out 700+ horsepower. If you pull the wheel slightly too much to either side you'll be in the wall.

I totally agree that race car drivers take a beating. At the same time, I would hardly call circular rush-hour driving at high speeds entertaining to watch for a few minutes let alone a whole afternoon. I believe people who do watch Nascar watch it for the accidents and little else, which is pretty sick in itself. Nascar's annual fatalities seem too high for my liking. Indy doesn't seem much better as it's faster, open-wheeled cars that make guys go unconscious at the Texas Motor Speedway because the G-forces are so high, but at least they have in-city circuits with both left and right turns.

As far as motorsports are concerned, I can really only watch MotoGP or Superbike. The races are about an hour long and it has its share of moments.

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As boring as it is to watch, I think its interesting how nuts people go for these races (most are southerners) But they pack like 130,000 into a stadium for these races. And anyone I know who has been to a race says its like nothing else. Ive never been to a race but my friend has free tickets to this years Daytona so I might check it out.

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Guest phillyfan
As boring as it is to watch, I think its interesting how nuts people go for these races (most are southerners) But they pack like 130,000 into a stadium for these races. And anyone I know who has been to a race says its like nothing else. Ive never been to a race but my friend has free tickets to this years Daytona so I might check it out.

The actual racing part is what boring, but ask me or anyone else I know that has nothing better to do, and racing is on, you watch it for the crashes. You hope no one gets hurt, but you have to admit that the crashes are the most exciting thing in Nascar, and probably one of the only reasons most people watch NASCAR, or any other racing event.

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Although I have never been to a NASCAR event, I do go to the local dirt track friday nights in the summer to watch the racing. I think even though they're not doing 180 m.p.h. the way they have to slide the cars through the turns because of the slick surface and stuff is great. Any racing is much better in person too. I love to go to the tracks to watch the race, but when they have UDTRA races on the Speedvision channel they get boring after a little bit even though its the same thing I go to every friday night.

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