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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heel lifts

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I posted this in general d but didn't get any response so I will try it here, does anyone know where you can buy the heel lift spacers or wedges or anyone that installs them, they don't seem to be very popular in our area. thanks JR Rochester MN

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I dont want to start a new thread so i'll try to make this quick. 

Trying to neutralize the pitch in my graf skates...it's just a bit too much for my liking. 

So for comparison i used my old Bauer Vapors to compare the feeling.  I feel like I'm perfectly balanced on the Vapors.  My weight feels like its balanced the same way standing barefoot would be. 

My Graf's feel as if im wearing high heels.  All the pressure goes to the balls of my feet.  I dont like that.  I dont mind a little bit forward, but currently its just too much. 

So I've been making my own lifts and putting them underneath the toe of my skates.  I put about 3mm lifts under the toe and then another 3mm lifts under the footbed.  So I'm up 6mm and I'm still leaning way more forward on my Graf's than my Vapors.  And Vapors are supposed to be a forward pitched skate?  How much can the difference really be?  It seems crazy that i have 6mm of lifts put in the toe and I'm still not at what would feel like neutral.

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I recently added a 5mm heel lift to my Vapor 1X to replicate my Mako pitch (+3), so I am moving the other direction.
Just to make sure, you've added a 3mm lift between the front tower and the outsole, and another 3mm lift under the footbed, correct?

Most Graf skates are lower cut than Bauer skates, meaning if you don't tie the top-most eyelet on your Vapors you can get similar forward flex as on your Grafs. You could try looping the laces around the ankle (or even adding tape around the ankle) if you want to have less forward flex.

In addition, maybe your issue is with the radius of the steel? Graf typically are 11ft, while Bauer LS2 are 9ft, LS3/LS4 are 11ft. What kind of steel (and is it rather new or already pretty worn down) are you rocking?


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Well that makes me feel a little better that you added such a big lift. I had makos at one point too and thought the forward pitch on those was modest compared to my grafs.  Yes I added 3mm under the tower and 3mm under the footbed. I had myblades profiled by noicing a while back and I believe I had a reverse pitch put on the steel also.

I've been doing this with my 703's on marsblades and g7 ice. Skated on the marsblades tonight with 3mm under front tower and 1.5 under footbed. Definitely felt so much better. Still just slightly off though. I don't get that natural balanced feeling. I'm hitting the ice this weekend so I'll see how they feel on ice 

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On 9/19/2017 at 6:18 PM, gosinger said:

I recently added a 5mm heel lift to my Vapor 1X to replicate my Mako pitch (+3), so I am moving the other direction.
Just to make sure, you've added a 3mm lift between the front tower and the outsole, and another 3mm lift under the footbed, correct?

Most Graf skates are lower cut than Bauer skates, meaning if you don't tie the top-most eyelet on your Vapors you can get similar forward flex as on your Grafs. You could try looping the laces around the ankle (or even adding tape around the ankle) if you want to have less forward flex.

In addition, maybe your issue is with the radius of the steel? Graf typically are 11ft, while Bauer LS2 are 9ft, LS3/LS4 are 11ft. What kind of steel (and is it rather new or already pretty worn down) are you rocking?


LS3/LS4 are 10' not 11'.  

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