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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holder Rivet Length

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Hey all,

My local LHS is going out of business -- a damn shame, really -- but before they closed I bought their rivet press and boot punch. I know how to use the boot punch, but I'm not sure how to select the correct rivet length for swapping out holders. I searched google and youtube for some instructional videos, came up with nothing.

Is there a sizing guide for selecting rivets?

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8s and 9s will generally handle any current skate. 7s for skates like Mako with thin outsoles. Older Supremes and Super Tacks may require 10s or 11s

8mm? 8/16ths of an inch? What do those numbers mean?

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Few weeks ago, I bought my riveter. Then after I bought steel tube and copper rivets too.

I bought 6~20mm, 10 sizes of steel tube rivets from Blackstone. But if you want to buy minimum rivets for your current skate only, it's the best to pull out your skate rivet and check it. For example, my current VH is generally used 6~8mm rivet. But little former CCM Vector skates are used 15mm or more longer rivets.

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8s and 9s will generally handle any current skate. 7s for skates like Mako with thin outsoles. Older Sumpremes and Super Tacks may require 10s or 11s

I go 7 and 8 on most skates, 6 on Mako.

Yes, it's in inches.

I redid a pair of Supreme Custom 4000s the other day...had to break out the 11 and 13s!

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