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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Punch Question

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So I have been in my Bauer Vapor X:40s for 4+ years now & they seem to fit me really well except for one small area & that is only a problem sometimes. These have been my first & only pair of skates & I think I got decent fitting advice from my salesperson - he seemed knowledgeable, grew up in Canada & had played hockey for 20 years, plus he wasn't trying to upsell me on a more expensive model once I told him what my budget & skill level were (I was making the switch after playing 5+ years of inline to ice). I like my skates super tight, probably due to the bad ankles I have (partially from genetics I think, thanks mom & partially due to all the sprains they suffered playing basketball & soccer back in the day) - either way it is a feel thing & I have zero confidence if I lace them up loose. Sometimes depending on how tight I get them the area inside the red shape below is too tight to the point of being painful. Can the area inside the red shape be punched a bit or would that not be a good idea because of the proximity to the toe cap?


The other option I am considering is trying on a pair of Supremes (and/or other makes & models to see what fits best), as I wear an Asics 2E width shoe for running & some of my regular width shoes are a bit snug in the same area I have marked on my skate. I am thinking my foot may be just a bit wider than a Vapor D. However, I am no expert & I'd like to have some knowledge before going into one of the big box LHS in the North Dallas area - I used to go to a Player's Bench but the one closest to me closed & now they've merged with Total Hockey. There is also a Hockey Giant store & I know Hockey Monkey just moved their warehouse operations to the area as well so I do have multiple "local" options.

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Or do it yourself. There is an old thread here where I show the tools I use at home. With these i have punched and stretched a lot of boots over the last couple of years.


I just have to praise this thread you linked. Have had such a major issue with my APX2 on the left foot around the toe-cap stitching and my skate shop have told me several times there is nothing they can do (buy new skates). Went and bought the exact same tools and punched the area (carefully) myself.

Skated yesterday without any issues at all. Was a breeze :-)

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