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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor EE size compared to Supreme D size.

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Hi guys.

Currently in a 7EE Vapor 1X roller hockey skate. Monkeysports Europe has a sale on Supremes right now but they only have a 7D and no 7EE. I hear the Supremes fita little wider than a vapor skate.

What is the likelihood that a D size supreme will fit similar to a EE size Vapor?

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I came from a 7D vapor to a supreme and stayed at a 7D. I measured at an E but I like my skate snug around the toes and mid foot. I don't like any extra room. To me vapor had more room in the toe box - more negative space above the toes mostly. The supremes fit snugger all around the toes

And mid foot but not so much that it was cutting of circulation. I honestly don't know how true the "supremes are wider" statement is. More volume, yeah overall that true but because they fit more anatomically they don't feel any wider IMO. That being said, I much prefer the heel of the vapor. I have a tiny bit of extra space at the spot below my ankle but after a few

Skates it's been settling in. If could blend be heel of a vapor with the supreme front and mid foot then that's a home run.

All that to say, the supreme is going to fit differently all things else being equal. If you're used to vapors it may be an adjustment anyway, but throw in going Down a size and that could be a recipe for failure.

I'm sure there are other people here that will offer more insight.

in my case, I was able to stay at the same width and noticed a snugger fit.

Can you go try them in anywhere? Worst case is send them bake (don't bake them

Or sharpen them) if they don't fit

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Hmm, two conflicting views, would be good to get some more feedback.

I have a friend with a 7D supreme skate but I'm not going to see him until the other side of Christmas.

May email monkey sports and see their opinion.

They would be shipping from sweeden to the UK which is fine but return shipping would be a pain in the butt if they don't fit well

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This info was posted in another post a while ago

Boot width/ Heel width

A Vapor D is a true D or EE is a true EE width boot.

Vapor retail D= D/A retail EE= EE/B

Supreme retail D= E/A retail EE= EEE/B

Nexus retail D= EE/A retail EE= EEEE/B

Currently if you are in a Vapor EE a Supreme D will fit slightly narrower. Hope this helps.

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So I tried on a supreme D tonight and its far too tight. The toebox was much wider than myEE vapor skates but thefootbedd too narrow. I will just hold off and get some skates in the size my vapors are.

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Not sure if this will help but I have the Vapor APX2 ice skates in EE - there is no way the D fits me. However my skate shop has measured my foot and tell me I'm a D and could even be less than D. I have tested a few D-skates in other brands like CCM JetSpeed and those fits me fine.

To confuse you a bit more, in some skates I'm a 7.5 and in other I'm 8.0. I really think you need to try different skates and models without looking at sizes.

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Measuring your foot via holder size is much easier when transitioning between brands. I know I'm a 280 holder size. Puts me on a 9 in almost every brand as a starting point.

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Old thread, I know, but I think I might have something of interest to add so here goes.


Today while trying on skates after failing time after time to find the right profile for my foot I stumbled upon the solution and not even the guy who was selling me the skates had thought of it.

I bought a pair of 2014 Tacks D and they were too big all around (ordered them online from sportchek after trying on the current model only to find out in 2015 they switched to a more anatomical fit)  , then 2016 Tacks D and they lifted in the heel as well and also pinched my big toe on the side" OUCH !". Then I tried Supremes and they were fine in the heel but same big toe  pinching problem so I asked for a Supreme EE and they were okay in the toe but too wide throughout otherwise. Given that the scanner said the correct skate for me was the Supreme (Bauer scanner) I and the sales guy were confused.

So, I thought what about the Vapors? Being that we seemed to be at an impass the sales guy went and found a pair of EE's in my size while politely not  pointing out the scanners selection for me and it was like night and day. Even with Superfeet pushing my heel up I have a verygood heel lock and the skate was snug but not crushing throughout including the toe box, so no more big toe squish. 

Also,  with the Superfeet pulling my foot back in the skate I ended up in a 9 instead of the 9.5 that the measuring thing suggested.

So anyone out the that's finding the Supreme skate good other than the toe box this may be the answer.


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