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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Perfecta Rivets?

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So last year I bought a Blademaster rivet press from an older gentleman in New Hampshire. Turns out he was the New England rep for Perfecta blades and holders. Going through the boxes of rivets there was a container of rivets I haven't seen before. There is a ridged steel shaft with a flat head that would orientate in the boot like a copper rivet. The second piece is a nylon/plastic insert that fits into the rivet holes in the runner, locking the steel part in place when pressure is applied. I also assume the steel portion hanging down would then be cut flush with the end of the nylon washer. My questions are: Are these sturdy enough to hold or was this just a bad idea that fizzled out? Second question: how would one go about removing these? Short of drilling it out I can't see how to remove them with or without a press.


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Maybe you would have to tap it out with a copper rivet removal tool/drive pin.

I'm intrigued. Post a pic of a pressed one.

I'd be a bit wary though just due to the bits being so old.

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Sorry to barge in on you here...But...Could anyone direct me to the best page to ask for help using the Graf Holder Bolts?!

What help do you need? I know a couple of guys locally who have used the graf mounting screws / nuts system instead of t-nuts or rivets when converting ice to inline boots, I've reseated / rescrewed them when changing them out for a broken one (screw frozen in the nut) or when I realigned / replaced the Cobra holder. You might want to post a question in the roller forum / ice to inline conversion thread, maybe someone else there has used them. You can buy them online, HM carry them, I assume we are talking about these or similar: http://www.hockeymonkey.com/graf-hockey-accessories-screw-nut-set.html

or are you asking about the blade retaining bolt?

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Okay...Thank-You for the quick response...I have a complete set of the RMS nuts and bolts that i will try to re-mount a pair of Tuuk to a pair of 6000 Supreme that had the the Tuuk taken off and a pair or roller hockey frames mounted.

There was no instructions with the hardware...I have never mounted any kind of holder before and also there is two sets of holes in the soles now.

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