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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I received a lot of Smartwool socks this Christmas and was wondering if anyone has had any experience using them in there skates? A couple of the light and ultra light weight socks look like they could be about the same thickness as my other skate socks, the medium weight might be nice when its 10 F or less out side too. Just not sure if Wool is a good material for such things.

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Wool tends to make you hot and itchy. These may irritate your feet within the skate. Plus, your feet would probably sweat a lot.

Thank you for a useless post.

I've tried thin wool socks while skating and found them to be fine -- I preferred my poly/bamboo socks for a single reason: laundry. Wool socks, even my smart wool socks, get completely trashed by a washing machine. It took three washes for them to shrink in the wash and I was air drying them.

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I wear Smartwool socks everyday for regular use and liked them so much I bought a specific pair for skating in, ultra light cushioning, excellent sock for skating unless you want cut resistant socks.

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I used to wear Smartwool ultra thin socks and absolutely loved them and I'm sure you found out by now that they won't make your feet itch. They were thin enough to be a great skate sock and seemed to have helped wick sweat away. I have since been using Stable 26 socks and really like them so I have not been skating in Smartwool's lately

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Thanks for the feedback, I think I will put them in the rotation. My wife is afraid to touch anything that has been in my hockey bag and I cool wash, hang dry my socks, jersey's, removable pads, ect. anyway so laundry shouldn't be an issue.

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