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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Custom + to new holder conversion?

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Quick question.....my Kor Shift 1's have a cracked 280mm Custom + holder that I need to replace. What of the current holders have the same mounting pattern?

I'm aware of Mission Pitch 3's, but obviously they are tough to come by.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Tuuk Edge, new CCM holders and Easton RB2 all line up.

Are you certain those fit the holes for the Bauer Custom+ holder? I always assumed that LS2/Edge holes were matched by the new CCM/Rbk and Easton CXN, but that older Tuuk's (like the Custom+) were different?

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You're going to spend $130-150 for new holders and steel mounted on those skates. Personally I wouldn't put the money into those. LS2 steel is going to be $50.00 a set and Tuuk Edge holders are $35.00 each. I think it's time for new wheels if you can swing it. You can get a close out pair of top of the line skates for $300.00 ish or less which you'd spend half that to keep a Kor boot.

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I thought that they were different also.....as with these skates the Mission Pitch 3 and Custom + were the only holders with identical patterns. The challenge is in the Shift 1's having the screw in holders as opposed to rivots.

If someone is 100% confident that the new Tuuk Edge's or otherwise are a perfect match....please let me know.


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They're not a perfect fit, but they're somewhat close.

But the bigger problem that nobody has mentioned is that LS2 is taller in the heel, so it won't match the Shift1's boot pitch. You are most certainly going to need a lift to accommodate that, then from there, the easiest way to make it work is to actually expand the holes in the holder to match the anchor pattern in the Shift 1.

Another option is Easton RazorBladz II, as that had an identical pattern to C+.

Good to see you, Jay!

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