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CCM Vector 10 shin guards to ?

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My son has V10 shin guards and they fit him perfectly. The knee caps in both are split and I need to get him something else. Downside is that he has tried on just about everything out there recently and cannot find anything that fits or that he likes (to bulky, to loose). So if anyone out there wore these and has moved to something else with a similar fit then I'd appreciate a heads up.

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Thats a shame. I have the v10 shins as well and can't see myself wearing another pair unless these completely break down on me. Great shin pads.

Ive heard good things about the tacks shin pads, or if you can find a pair of mid level reebok shin pads those are great as well in my opinion.

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The Vector fit evolved into the U+ fit with, imo, one of the best shins I've ever seen in the U+ Pro. Slightly wider and slightly contoured with their great V-anchoring strap. That fit slimmed down and became shallower with the U+CL line and continued that fit style with the RBZ. Same great strapping and general contouring,but again, slimmer and shallower than the Vector and U+ Pro lines.

Nothing really compares too much anymore unfortunately. I think any one of Tacks (with the width and depth), RBZ (contour and strapping) and APX2 (snugger fit and good strapping system) offer some elements of the V10. Have you tried those?

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He's tried xxxx and apx, not the apx2's. I didn't expect a huge difference for the apx2's. The U+CL also didn't sit well with him so that kind of takes out the RBZ line. I might try the tacks.

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or you could try to replace them with another set?

i don't know if these are the same as what you have, but the interwebs may have the answer for you :wink:: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/231796005430?ul_noapp=true&chn=ps&lpid=82

or like LEFTWING37 said, have them repaired BUT by cannibalizing a pair you find on the interwebs

If you can't find anything similar it might be worth exploring the possibility of having them repaired.

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He's tried xxxx and apx, not the apx2's. I didn't expect a huge difference for the apx2's. The U+CL also didn't sit well with him so that kind of takes out the RBZ line. I might try the tacks.

They tweaked the fit from APX to APX2. More form fitting with better strapping, don't discount then. I wear U+Pros as well as CL and I enjoy the fit of the APX2s

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Thanks, I'll look at getting him some apx2's to try.

If I could find V10's in a 13" I would buy them in a flash. I had a look at the knee cap last night and the stitches are accessible from the front and back. I have some old shins lying around so might have a go at at replacing the knee cap, I've restitched knee caps before so this might work.

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