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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recruitment help

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The league that I have been playing in has been growing and we have decide to split into an upper and lower division. I am one of the captains for the lower division and was wondering if anyone has any tips or ideas for recruiting people that are either new to the game or have not been involved for a number of years.

Right now we are getting flyers out to the local rinks and skate shops as well as talking with friends and coworkers. Its an adult, coed, no check league that has reasonable ice times for people that would rate from beginner to about D1/C3. Any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful.

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Social media, my friend. Instagram, facebook, twitter, vine. Also, it never hurts to post an ad in this section and in other popular hockey forums.

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Ask the league for an email list and send out a friendly email to all the players with info about your team.

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your local news paper should also have some type of bulletin board thing you can post in... that actually how i got on the Spring team i'm playing with this year. that said, this guy posted for the fall league, and only got a few bites, but between the team has was playing with and some social media and a BB post hes built a team.

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