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Casual skate foot pain

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Wondering if anyone else out there has had any foot pain problems when skating casually that they never experience during a game? I have had my skates for almost 6 months now and during a game they feel great, but if I go to an open skate with my wife and just do laps with her the arch of my foot starts to kill after 10 minutes. Same skate, same socks, same rink even.

I have found that if I skate at a moderate pace the pain goes away but doing 3 laps to her 1 doesn't make for a fun, romantic time together on the ice.

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I've had some of that when I go and help out with my son's skills class if I'm just standing in one position for a long time or something. Doesn't sound like its as bad as you have it though as almost any type of skating makes it go away.

If I were you I'd try looser lacing over the mid to fore foot I think? Could be that you need to get your foot moving more so that the muscles don't cramp up and when you're skating for real that's not an issue but when you're just gliding around its locked into one position only...

Outside of that, just show off your awesome skating for your wife every ten minutes. :-)


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I have slight discomfort in my feet during open skates too.  Games and stick and puck is fine... I just assume it's because your posture is more upright when you don't have gear on and a stick.

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How do your skates fit?  Do you have room for some Gel Insoles for the casual skates?  I use some thick gel insoles with I ref, critical for mite games.  When I play, I wear superfeet.  

You could probably steal them from your daily wear even.  If you go out to purchase the, you may need to look at women's sizes as they are narrower.

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On 12/1/2016 at 11:50 AM, lazyharpseal81 said:

Some insoles I.E. superfeet might help. They make some with good arch support.

Superfeet don't have much, if any, arch support. They only support and lock in the heel. Most of the arch support on Superfeet are based off the boot's construction.

I second what others have said, it's mostly due to being more upright during open skating and not having good knee bend.

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