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Combo radius: 10 years later - anyone finds them useful?

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I did a search, but the old topics such as this one are closed so had to start a new one



combination/combo radius was all hype about 10 years ago, so 9/10 etc combos were heavily promoted by noicing and others

Now they are offered all over the place, but I'm curious if ppl are Really seeing the real life benefits from having a combo?

I've tried it, and came back to true& tested 9'.

The 'increased agility by having shorter front radius' theory of combo is questionable to me given that even in a non-stopping tight turns or running crossovers the weight is mostly on the heels so that's where the longer radius would arguably hinder agility. But at least theoretically the glide & stability should be a bit better since there is more blade on the ice due to longer rear radius, so what do you think?!


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I just switched to a 8'/14' combo radius this season on size 296 runners and I'll never go back to a stock radius. My officiating supervisors and partners have unanimously commented on the improvement in my skating this season compared to last. I feel more balanced on my feet, like I can turn tighter, and feel far more agile than I did with a stock 9' radius.


Your mileage may vary, of course, but it's working wonderfully for me. 

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thanks for the response.

interesting you brought up the runner length - probably one of the variables, so as the weight/height/skill level...

speaking of which - if you don't mind me asking - how long were you on stock before and how would you rate your skill level? 

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I grew up skating on stock grafs from around age 3 till junior b, which I think are like 11', then went to 9' and played with that for a few years in beer league, then switched back to 11 and felt much more stable, more speed, but a bit flat footed on quick starts. I talked to my LHS and they shaved a bit of steel from the front of the blade, it didn't quite work, so I got a 8/13 combo done and its perfect. Feels very comfortable, very similar to 11' but a bit more jump and easier starts. I wouldn't say its anything groundbreaking, but its comfortable and it fits my skating. I wanted to have the speed and stability, but also with quick turns and starts, so I feel like the combo delivers that. Is it completely groundbreaking like I wouldn't be able to skate without it? No, not really, but its comfortable and was very easy to adjust to, took less than 30 seconds of ice time for me to be completely comfortable on this setup. As for the steel on the back, I actually found having more steel there helps with quick turns, a lot of those quick pivots when you use your heel work a lot better when you have more blade with which to work with.

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16 hours ago, SolarWind said:

thanks for the response.

interesting you brought up the runner length - probably one of the variables, so as the weight/height/skill level...

speaking of which - if you don't mind me asking - how long were you on stock before and how would you rate your skill level? 

I was on stock radii for 25 years. I'm an expert skater. 6'7" 235 lb.  

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2 hours ago, rawkstar said:

I grew up skating on stock grafs from around age 3 till junior b, which I think are like 11', then went to 9' and played ... I actually found having more steel there helps with quick turns, a lot of those quick pivots when you use your heel work a lot better when you have more blade with which to work with.


This is where I think the combo is intriguing for me as well. Best all-round skating has been on stock Graf 11', but toe starts are dramatically better on 9' than either 10' or 11'. But after those great first few toe-start steps on 9', around strides 4-5, it feels like someone ripped out my top two or three gears and turning at speed feels reduced as well. Can't wait to try a combo like 8/13 or something similar, as I imagine it'll hit all the right spots. The way I think about it, it's like having gears versus single-speed. Single-speed doesn't mean that you can go faster, but you can feel the difference in having to maintain high repetition rate to approach a sprint, probably with some sacrifice to power application, and being able to maximize push force/stride length and repetition.

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I'm a big fan of profiling.  While there are still many at the pro level that skate on stock radii machines like Pro Sharp, CagOne, and Pro Skate Balance are finding there way into many NHL equipment rooms.  The biggest issue for many is finding the right profile for their skating level/style.  

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2 hours ago, flip12 said:


This is where I think the combo is intriguing for me as well. Best all-round skating has been on stock Graf 11', but toe starts are dramatically better on 9' than either 10' or 11'. But after those great first few toe-start steps on 9', around strides 4-5, it feels like someone ripped out my top two or three gears and turning at speed feels reduced as well. Can't wait to try a combo like 8/13 or something similar, as I imagine it'll hit all the right spots. The way I think about it, it's like having gears versus single-speed. Single-speed doesn't mean that you can go faster, but you can feel the difference in having to maintain high repetition rate to approach a sprint, probably with some sacrifice to power application, and being able to maximize push force/stride length and repetition.


Exactly that. Miximize stride length and speed without giving up too much on quick starts. You should definitely try it out. Its good, very comfortable, and it doesn't feel weird and alien like you're on two different profiles, its a nice smooth transition, feels very natural.

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Can't wait to! But they've just melted the ice at our local rink this week and I probably won't skate again until the Fall, when I'll be in the Twin Cities for a few months. Luckily there's a lot more LHS options there for profiling, FBV, and all the rest of the goodies that are so rare and expensive in Denmark.

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I started skating on an 8/13 radius last fall and feel that my skating has improved.  It could be placebo effect, but it seems to be working for me.

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Do you guys feel the combo radius hurts backwards skating? I tried a 8/12 for a while. It was fine forwards, but I didn't like going backwards where most of the skating was using the 8' portion of the blade.


I have tried a few different profiles and am currently using a 10'.

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