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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Liquid Off inside your skates

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I'm thinking of spraying liquid off inside my skates and curious if anyone has tried this and how well it worked.

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i assume liquid off is some hydrophobic spray, like Camp Dry from back in the day?

i was thinking of doing this with my shoulder pads.  i sweat like a pig and the chest and back pads get soaked.  BUT after longer thought, i'm thinking i'm NOT going to do it... if the pads don't soak up the sweat, then it just runs down and off and my "lower parts" just get sweatier.  

thinking your footbeds would be like a nice little pool by the end of the game.    


but still super interested to see what everyone else has to say :D

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I thought the same, leading me to think that I would have to spray them as well. However in the end; the sweat has to go somewhere such as the rivets, holders, etc... Second guessing myself now. Originally I thought it would be great if for anything the felt tongue.

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