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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Girdle tailbone protection

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Switched from pants to the dynasty girdle, love the weight and freedom. Only thing is the tailbone have had two separate occasions where I fell and it's been really sore for weeks. Well that and the leg openings are huge with no adjustments. Don't really want to go back to pants. Thinking about the reebok 9k instead. Doing research on here and everyone says how the protection is great. Would it be much better in the tailbone area?

 Also need a shell, not a fan of the new dynasty girdle shell. Would probably follow advice I have read and get a pant shell  to wear over the top. Just playing men's league a few times a week. 

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Yes, the 9k has a very tough tailbone protection (this page has a good 9k shot from the rear). However, if you're fine with the girdle itself (note that the 9k weighs more) but only want to handle the tailbone, you might add some padding there yourself (i.e. this post has a picture of someone doing this himself in a couple of minutes), so if you search this page for "adding tailbone padding" you'll find plenty results to beef up your girdle rather than switching.

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Or, if you do not mind spending $100 or so for a padded jock base layer, then this has Flex Orb in the tailbone:




I use this, plus the Dynasty girdle (which is on its last leg, as per my review), and have not felt it when I hit the ice in compromised positions. I am not sure if I ever landed directly on my tailbone, but I'd think that the double cushion (Flex Orb + the Dynasty rig) would do the trick.

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I really like my Bauer nexus shell.


I wear crashpads under my Bauer APX girdle because the tailbone protection is not great. I think that the crashpads actually would pad/cover more area than the Bauer jock, and it is less than half the price. The double cushion works great and I never notice them while playing.

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