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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chinstrap Keeps Coming Loose

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the part that you clip onto the popper keeps coming off my strap every so often.

I have melted the end of the strap so that it doesn't fray.


Anyone know a way to stop this from constantly happening?

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If you have the patience, you can sew it to the strap.   You could also put some tape on the strap, as a stopper.

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pull the strap tight enough to see where it usually would sit in the clip. then double the end of the strap over and put a rubber band or tape where you doubled it over. pull it back down to its normal position and you should be good.   

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Go ahead and splurge, spend the big bucks, you are worth it.  $3 for a whole new strap or $0.75 for just the buckle.  It holds your helmet on your head.  Its kind of a big deal.


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On 12 May 2016 at 9:44 PM, GreatestAmericanBeardo said:

pull the strap tight enough to see where it usually would sit in the clip. then double the end of the strap over and put a rubber band or tape where you doubled it over. pull it back down to its normal position and you should be good.   


Thanks, went with the tape thing won't budge now :)

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