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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tell me about the true 6.0 stick

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outside of what i read about the variable flex stuff, it seems as if this stick got glowing reviews.


 how does it play compared to the v9e or the apx



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I have the A5.2 SBP which is from my understanding a "beefier" A6.0. 


A few  observations from 4 games played with it... For the $$$ it is hands down the best stick I have played. Lightweight and well balanced. The blade is awesome; stiff, but not so stiff you have pucks flying off from a hard pass. The variable flex is great, accurate and hard clappers with quick releasing wrist shots and snap shots. Aside from one little chip in the hosel (that I'm repairing) I have no other complaints. It is a top of the line stick without the top of the line $$$. For kicks I'm going to try the A4.5 SBP next as I have only heard great things about it as well (keeping in mind that it is a mid flex and not a variable flex like the A5.2 and A6.0)

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As I posted in the True Temper thread above, I bought a 1.0 for dirt cheap just to try these things out, and I absolutely love it. I can only imagine what the top the line feel like.

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I use the A6.0 also in rotation with an EK15, so it seems that me and Hat Trick have similar tastes. the two sticks are quite different, but serve different purposes for me. I like the A6.0 when i am on D, and use EK when i am playing up.

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