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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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True 5.2 vs 6 vs xcore

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I have read individual reviews on each of the sticks, but was curious if anyone has tried more than one of the models. I have tried the 5.2 and really liked it, was wondering if it is worth trying the 6 and/or XCORE. 

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The XCore9 is the first stick in years that I've been impressed with as truly feeling different that every other OPS. It has the best puck feel next to wood. Definitely worth a try.   

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I've used all three, and each one had things I liked a lot about them.


I liked the 6.0 because of the lightness of it, along with the fact I dropped down in flex to go with a 65. Felt like my shots came off much quicker, and I love the concave walls of the shaft on the blade. Overall, one of my favorite sticks I've used.


5.2 was the same way, just if you're not a fan of super-light sticks, the 5.2 is more for you.


The XCore 9 was my favorite of the three. However, I can only say that for ice hockey. As I play predominantly roller hockey now, I hate drag on my sticks. The XCore technology of the XC9 caused a noticeable drag on the roller surfaces I played on, and being I don't tape the bottom of my sticks for roller, I felt that was a con about the stick. So I always found myself using my 6.0 for roller. But if I'm going to play ice hockey, I'll strictly use the XC9 because of the wood-like feel of the blade. It's phenomenal. 

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I have a 5.2 and xcore9 and both play well. Biggest difference to me is the blade feel. The xcore9 is very dampened while the 5.2 is livelier. Neither is better, just pick which blade feel you prefer.

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