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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Something good and bad

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After our game last night, I took out the insoles on my Vector 7 to dry. I have only had them since July and skated in them maybe 20 times. Upon further inspection, I noticed a horizontal crack about a half inch long between the upper heel rivets(closest to the instep) on the left and right side. A bit discouraged since I really like these skates, I called CCM customer service and they have heard of this problem and I have to take them back to the LHS and CCM will replace them.

Crappy part is they have a 2 week turnaround and I will have to use my old 652 for 2 games. Could be worse I guess. Was quite happy with CCM's customer service.

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I was a bit worried since I didn't know how long the warranty period is. Never had to do that kind of thing involving skates. 2 weeks seems like an eternity when you have to go back to the old leather 652. ;)

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I was a bit worried since I didn't know how long the warranty period is. Never had to do that kind of thing involving skates. 2 weeks seems like an eternity when you have to go back to the old leather 652. ;)

haha, just be happy that you aren't dealing with Graf :D.

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It's kinda funny though. My 652 were 10 years old and did the same thing except for they cracked vertically. I was able to use epoxy on them to finish out the season.

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It's kinda funny though. My 652 were 10 years old and did the same thing except for they cracked vertically. I was able to use epoxy on them to finish out the season.

maybe because of the climate you play in?

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maybe because of the climate you play in?

I don't know how that could be proved or not. Interesting thought though.

I don't think it could be proven but if you are constantly outdoors on the ponds here in Alberta, Canada; i'm sure that your skates would crack/split after a while. Or maybe something else about climate??

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I live in Spokane in Washington State, but it by no means gets as cold as it can on the prairies.

Maybe it is global warming. ;)

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Most likely manufacturing flaw. Do you know if it was cracked when new? Quite possible too much pressure was used when the rivet was installed. I've seen this before. Quality control is not that great at the major manufacturers. So you have to inspect the skates well when you purchase. For example, last year quite a few of the Vapor XV and XX skates had their holders mounted wrong and the blades were bent right out of the box. Similar problems with some Grafs.

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Do you know if it was cracked when new?

I know it wasn't there before our Christmas break 3 weeks ago because I always take the insole out to dry and inspect them as well. So this happened on Sunday.

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what if you were to just order the boots, holder and then blades and have someone at a local shop set them up? Would you have a better chance of this sort of thing happening since the quality control is crappy at the company?

I could get them professionaly installed at my shop for free...so without the fee of installing them...would they come out cheaper in the long run?

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Do you think this will continue to be a problem, or does this pair just happen to be a lemon? This is really making me start to wonder.

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On a happier note, the crack may not cause any problems whatsoever. I have a lot of customers with cracks all over their sole plates and have been that way for years. Still if you can weasle a new pair from CCM, I'd do it.

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On a happier note, the crack may not cause any problems whatsoever. I have a lot of customers with cracks all over their sole plates and have been that way for years. Still if you can weasle a new pair from CCM, I'd do it.

Thanks for the advice Jimmy. I just don't want to have to go through the whole break in period again. I might wait another couple of weeks and see if it affects anything, or of it gets bigger, and go from there.

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