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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What type of glue should I use to put in blades and buttends? I know they come with glue on them but after a couple switches and broken shafts it runs a little short. I've tried Elmers rubber cement which sounded like it would work but it won't keep a blade in place...

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Go to a craft store and find the tall, thin clear glue sticks. They're cheap, heat quickly and work well.

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I just use generic hot glue gun stuff. I find that a lot easier than trying to melt the glue with a heat gun and smearing it on.

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I use the stuff from my LHS. Its $1.49 there for a huge stick that lasts 2 seasons. stay away from the easton glue that comes on their synthesis blades, very bad stuff.

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I've seen the White Easton glue sticks too.  $10 for a pack!  talk about outrageous.

Doesn't that "Easton Locker Room Pack" come with Easton glue?

The ones I see come in packs of 3 stick for $10. I have yet to see an Easton Locker Room Pack in stores here.

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As some member might remember I have had problems with my blades coming slightly ajar in the shaft after a few uses/changeovers. I Followed JR's advice and went and bought some Hot Melt Gun Glue from a craft shop. $4 for a pack of 15. I've already used 2 and now the head isn't going anywhere!

Top little tip from the Gurus! :D

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I picked up a $10 glue gun from Walmart and a pile of glue sticks for it that cost $2. It works perfect for blades, etc.

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Don't you guys still need to heat up the shaft to get the blades to fit?

I've always used a heat gun because i thought it was easier to melt the glue and heat the shaft at the same time.

But either way, you can buy packs of 20 or 40 at home depot in the glue gun section for 3 - 5 bucks.

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Don't you guys still need to heat up the shaft to get the blades to fit?

I've always used a heat gun because i thought it was easier to melt the glue and heat the shaft at the same time.

But either way, you can buy packs of 20 or 40 at home depot in the glue gun section for 3 - 5 bucks.

Yes you still need to heat the shaft up, the glue gun is just for adding more glue.

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