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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mouth guard placement

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This may be a daft question but I am new to wearing a mouth guard. Is the mouth guard meant to stay attached to the upper teeth at all time or does it rest in between the upper and lower teeth. I bought a Shock Doctor mouth guard and modded it but when trying it on it seems to stay in between the teeth kinda of free floating. When I clench my teeth together and and the mouth guard locks into its proper place.





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I'm going to save you some time. SISU (CCM?) makes the most comfortable mouth guards out there.  I have tried many mouth guards and always ended up not using them.  The SISU is so comfortable you will forget they are in, not just saying that. 


Get the thick one for hockey.

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