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Bad Wrap- NHL 2005 PS2

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Does anyone else think that the quality of 2005 on PS2 is terrible? I dont know if it is a default in my game but it seems like the game is constantly lagging and some not have smoot gameplay at all. The game is great on XBox and the graphics are a lot better.

Is my game just faulty, or is NHL 05 on PS2 just bad?

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I've been playing PS2 NHL 2005 online for a couple days now and it is terrible. You get called on offsides if you have the puck in your end and one of your players in the offensive zone.

If anybody wants to play me PM me.

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PS2 is free to play online correct?  If only xbox was like that...

xbox isn't?

All you need for PS2 is the network adapter and you can play any online game for free. For Xbox you have to buy the live package and pay per month to use the service. You must have a credit card to play Xbox Live too.

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I was dissappointed with 2K4 so I opted to go with 2005, which I don't think was a bad choice, but don't think was a tremendous decision either. Does anyone know if Live or Madden 2005 have fantasy drafts though? That's the one thing that REALLY pissed me off about NHL 2005 vs. 2K5

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One of the things I was disapointed the most with NHL 2005 was the absense of a create-a-player, that was odd.

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The create-a-player issue does suck but its absence was just due to time contraints. 2006 is going to be a great game since EA has a lot to prove now after 2005's lack of success. The entire production team has been changed so expect good things for next year's game.

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PS2 is free to play online correct?  If only xbox was like that...

xbox isn't?

Nope you have to pay a monthly fee for subscribing to Xbox Live. I think its $100 a year or 15 a month, something like that... I dont remember exactly.

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