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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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P19 (Nugent-Hopkins) What's the closest comparison?

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Really enjoying my Tacks P19 that I picked up a couple weeks ago. Want to grab another as a backup, but since P19 is discontinued they are few and far between. 

I've read that the P29, W03, and P92 are all close cousins to the P19, wondering if anyone thinks one is closer than the other? 

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The W03 is identical to the P19.

There is a side by side picture in this review.

I talked to a CCM rep about the P19 when it was phased out, he pointed me to the P29. Which in my opinion falls somewhere between the P92 and the P19.

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Appreciate the feedback. I've seen some decent clearance sales on Warrior sticks lately, i'll keep my eye out for W03. I also might hold out until last years 1N's go down a little more and see if I can snag a P92.

It figures right? I finally find a stick (original Tacks) and a blade (p19) that I'm 100% cool with, and they're both on the endangered species list now. 

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20 hours ago, stick9 said:

The W03 is identical to the P19.

There is a side by side picture in this review.

I talked to a CCM rep about the P19 when it was phased out, he pointed me to the P29. Which in my opinion falls somewhere between the P92 and the P19.


The W03 (and Easton E3) are similar to the P19 but I wouldn't call them identical. I would say the W03 and E3 are identical. I used closed curves all growing up so I've never been overly fond of open faced curves, especially not ones that are significantly open.

But I do like the P19 - it's less open than the W03 and E3 while maintaining a similar depth of curve. Slightly less depth than the P88 which I also like (for a traditional closed curve I am used to).

My take on it is if you're used to open faced curves, the P19 and W03 would be easy to transition between and you wouldn't notice much difference. But if you're coming from a closed face background, the P19 to me was significantly less of a leap to the open faced world than the W03/E3. It's a shame it's no longer on the market.



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Let's not confuse the discussion with other curves and face angles. The OP asked what's the closest thing to a P19. Having used both (W03 & P19) often times switching between the two during a game, they are identical. If not, they are so close you'll never know the difference. I think the pic does a really good job at showing that.

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I agree with jdvn that the Sherwood PP26 is closest I've found to the P19.

The W03/E3 opens up more from mid pocket to the toe and seems to have slightly more hook on the toe than the P19 or PP26. For that reason I don't find it plays the same for me personally. It's a subtle difference but I lean more towards closed face curves and it's noticeable to me. P19/PP26 seems to be at the limits of what I like w.r.t open face.

W03/E3/P92 are a little too deep/open for my preference. I wish CCM would consider bringing back the P19.

PP26 (Left) vs. P19 (Right):



P19 (Left) vs. W03 (Right):




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In my experience, if you're using a P19 and want something close, the W03 is the safest bet. Not having used it, I can't speak for the Sher-wood.

One giant caveat, brand. If your a CCM guy or don't do Warriors. It's probably best to bite the bullet and try a P29 or P92. The P92 has been around forever, something worth considering if you switch.

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