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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adidas Seeks Buyer for CCM Hockey

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I'm glad I turned down the job w/ Adidas I was offered last year if I wouldn't have been getting discounted CCM gear anymore ;)

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How is this from 2015?

The German sports equipment and apparel giant made the announcement Wednesday as it reported its fourth-quarter and year-end results for 2016.

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5 minutes ago, HarpGuy said:

How is this from 2015?

The German sports equipment and apparel giant made the announcement Wednesday as it reported its fourth-quarter and year-end results for 2016.

He meant the article he linked to was from 2015. 

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This isn't the first time CCM has been for sale by Adidas but I think this is the first time they have explicitly stated that they were seeking buyers.

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