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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is purely speculation--but maybe its taking long because they didn't have that color of helmet in stock, seeing as it isn't one of the "basic" helmet colors.

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Guest phillyfan

I've ordered from them before, and have heard of others as well. All orders were received, don't worry too much, rest assured, your order will arive. Timeline? Contact them.

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Guest phillyfan

From my past transactions over the internet through online retailers, they never sent or issued a tracking number if it was never requested.

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I orderd 2 inno kariya blades from them over the phone and he said they were in stock. I waited 2 weeks and called back for a tracking number and he said they were still waiting to recieve the blades and then would ship em out. I cancelled the order and probably wont order from them again.

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Guest phillyfan
Evey online retailer I have ever used has given me a tracking number without me asking.

Off the top of my head, hocketoutlet never issued a tracking number, Great Skate did eventually, but after I had requested it.

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I would call them as well.

I ordered my first XN10 from them...back when they had them for $155 (!!). The web site specifically said that they had them In-Stock...usually ship the same day. That was a big part (along with price) of why I ordered from them. Anyway, I placed my order only to find out that I'd have to wait 3 weeks for them to get the stick in-stock. I have heard others say that they have had the same problem.

Your may be different, but I would just give them a call.

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I just recieved a 2004 Si-core from them today with no problems. Ordered over the phone on Monday and got a confirmation email that day. When it shipped, I got an email with a tracking number, too. (Didn't explicitly request any of the emails.)

I'd previously ordered some gloves from them with similar ease. Like others have said, I'd give them a call and get some more info.

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